I intend to put my business towards a greater purpose; helping others improve their quality of life.

I love all things Christmas, my furry ferret named Otis, sour gummy candy, and traveling with my best friend and husband as he chases his baseball dreams.

H I , I ' M S A M I !

Why the name SUNutrition?

Initially a combination of my initials, SU + Nutrition, SUNutrition adopted a second meaning over time of Simply Understand Nutrition.

Everything in our lives – the who, what, when, where, and why – there’s a reason for why it is the way it is. We may not understand it now, in the near future, or ever frankly, but faith perseveres. And I have full faith that everything happens for a reason. 

Every peak, pitfall, trial, and tribulation is a part of a bigger picture that ultimately shapes us into who and where we’re meant to be. With that said, the road for SUNutrition has been anything but easy. Truthfully, I’ve spent my fair share of time wondering why my business wasn’t an overnight success like countless others, what I was doing wrong, what I needed to do more of, and when (or if) my dreams and aspirations would ever begin to materialize. It has taken a great deal of aforesaid faith, grit, support from those closest to me, a stubborn inability to quit, and “fake it ‘til you make it” confidence. Rooted in a deep desire to pursue a career full of purpose and passion and with my mom’s wishes for me to “spread my wings and fly” in mind, I took the large leap of faith in July of 2017 and started SUNutrition.

read my background

I have my Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise and Sport Science, Fitness and Nutrition Specialist Certification, and Weight Loss Specialist Certification. Combined with my education, I have a range of personal experiences that better help me serve my clientele: competing in amateur and professional bikini competitions, healing from disordered and binge eating, working with collegiate and professional level athletes at a baseball training facility, and in-person personal training as a Performance Coach and Results Coordinator.

Honestly, it’s hard to succinctly sum up the intentions and purposes that I envision because I hope to accomplish so much through SUNutrition:

Mission & Vision(s)

Cultivate a lifestyle that best reflects what being healthy and happy means to each person, as the two are highly subjective
Develop and implement habits that are sustainable and enjoyable
Build a more balanced, positive relationship with food
With *tastes too good to be healthy* recipes, show that eating well doesn’t have to be restrictive, bland, or boring
Illustrate the importance of listening to your body by sharing the impact of my own experiences with chronic stress, over-exercising, and hormone imbalances
Highlight the value in prioritizing your health and the domino effect doing so can have on mental health, preventable medical conditions, and quality of life
Provide clear content that’s informative, relatable, and easy to incorporate into your current routine
Demonstrate, through leading by example, that a healthy and “normal” life aren’t mutually exclusive – it’s possible and realistic – you shouldn’t miss out on what matters most because it feels as if your life revolves around eating and working out
Encourage introspection and an increase in self-awareness that can blossom into actionable adjustments
Simplify what it means to lead a healthier life; because it doesn’t have to be complicated, confusing, time-consuming, or stressful

Founded on the principle of service, SUNutrition has not and will not ever be centered on or driven by financial means.

I want to serve others as I serve God: “our service to others is service to the Lord”

SUNutrition is gratefully intended for the greater purpose of helping others improve their quality of life.

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